Mayapada Hospital Surabaya

Salah satu rumah sakit terbaik di Surabaya / best hospital in Surabaya, dengan layanan kesehatan terlengkap & didukung oleh tenaga medis terbaik.


Mayapada Hospital Surabaya is the first hospital in Surabaya with Fast Response Emergency and open  24 hours a day to respond to all  emergency medical needs. 
- Cardiac Emergency
- Stroke Emergency
- Trauma Center

Mayapada Hospital Surabaya offers the most sophisticated equipment for diagnostic services including:
- 128 slice multi-slice computerized tomography machine
- MRI 1.5T with software enhancement

Our Clinical laboratory examines patient’s specimens to gather clinical  information in support the diagnosis and treatment towards our patient’s recovery.  We also provide general consultations and examinations. Our laboratory also equipped with BSL 2, capable carrying out all kind detection, Covid-19 included.

Endoscopy is the examination and treatment in the gastrointestinal tract by using equipment such as an endoscope (telescope).

Mayapada Hospital Surabaya provides 4 operating rooms staffed by our expert and dedicated surgeons. We operates a ‘Hybrid” operating theater to cater all types of surgery.

Complete with hemodialysis equipment each room, our ICU also provides 1 room for 1 patient facility only, Mayapada Hospital Surabaya provides an expert team of doctors consisting of intensive care physicians (intensivist),  anesthetists, heart specialists and cardiac surgeons supported by experienced nurses  skilled in handling patients requiring intensive care.

Presidential Suite, Suite, Junior Suite, Executive, Deluxe, Superior, General Rooms

Mayapada Hospital Surabaya Medical Check is an Integrated, Measured and Comprehensive Health Care which provides Preventive in the form of physical examination.

A wide range of services are offered such as predictive testing and ongoing welfare and management.

Our one-stop service medical check up works closely together to offer a multi-disciplinary approach to caring for patients.

We offer a one stop solution from primary care and health screening.


Mayapada Hospital Surabaya Medical Check Up provides the following services and facilities:

  • consultation and medical check up room

  • laboratory test

  • radiology test (X-ray imaging, CT scan 128 slices, MRI 1,5 Tesla, BMD, Mammography, dental, panoramic, USG abdomen)

  • treadmill test

  • audiometry

  • spirometry

  • electrocardiography

  • Medical check up specialist

  • Medical Check up report

- Triage system
- 24-hour emergency rooms
- 24-hour On-site team of Emergency Physicians
- Isolation room
- Fully equipped ambulances

Featured Doctor

dr. Aulia Rahman, Sp.OG, MSc

Speciality Kandungan dan Kebidanan

Schedule Thursday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Kandungan dan Kebidanan () Thursday,  Tuesday,  Wednesday, 

dr. Manggala Pasca Wardhana, Sp.OG(K)-KFM

Speciality Kandungan dan Kebidanan - Konsultan Fetomaternal

Schedule Tuesday, Monday,

Kandungan dan Kebidanan (Konsultan Fetomaternal) Tuesday,  Monday, 

dr. Maurin Susanna, Sp.OG(K)-KFM

Speciality Kandungan dan Kebidanan - Konsultan Fetomaternal

Schedule Thursday, Saturday, Tuesday, Monday,

Kandungan dan Kebidanan (Konsultan Fetomaternal) Thursday,  Saturday,  Tuesday,  Monday, 

dr. Uning Marlina, MHSM, Sp.OG

Speciality Kandungan dan Kebidanan

Schedule Sunday, Saturday,

Kandungan dan Kebidanan () Sunday,  Saturday, 

Mayapada Hospital Surabaya

Address :

Jl. Mayjen Sungkono No.16-20, Pakis, Kec. Sawahan, Kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60256

Phone :

(031) 9921-7777

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